Company Introduction Ruihao Shanghai is a production company that specializing in manufacturing luxury brands boutiques, cosmetics kiosk, roadshow and conference propos. Our professional services are highly regarded and widely used by various PR agencies and image consulting companies. Since its establishment in 1998, Ruihao has been sticking to its core value: “Pride comes from satisfaction of clients”. We firmly believe that each client we served will become our best media afterwards. We are dedicated to locating and meeting clients’ needs and to providing consistent commitment and innovation. We have strong sense of project time period and cost efficiency. We guarantee top quality and favorable cost to meet your special demands. Our service items are listed below:  Design and manufacturing of various commercial space and props (boutique, kiosk, exhibition, roadshow, conference, office,etc)  Post service  Vendor sourcing for ace  Quality and time monitoring service for major projects  Research and Development of new manufacturing techniques and materials (selection and evaluation of imported materials)  Vendor supports from 10 different cities in China Brands we served : APEC、EXPO、Frognie Zila、Olay, Vicky, Anna Sui, Remy Martin, George Armani, Jaguar, Ford, Ermenegildo Zegna, etc,…. Our company logo symbolizes our premier quality, strong service sense, efficient operation and innovative production. We kept surpassing our previous standards and pursuing a higher level. We have our own manufacturing plant and collaboration with other factories. Our workplace is measured 4000 square meters, including storage space. We employed skilled workers respectively in carpentering, electricity, arts and ironing. Our management team is composed of 10 experienced professionals in this industry. Serving you is our great honor! 上海瑞浩装饰设计有限公司是一家以化妆品专柜、品牌专卖店、企业形象设计制作专业化公司。总公司1998年9月成立;瑞浩的核心价值观:“为客户的认可而自豪。”---我们要做到每个客户都是我们的传媒。 “发现并满足客户的需求”是我们的服务理念。“持续的创新和历久的诚信”是我们的宗旨,瑞浩人深知在保证服务质量的同时,严格时间期限和控制工程费用的重要性。 我们的制作工厂和公司员工为您提供一系列特级服务来满足您的特殊要求。因此,我们一向以高端的品质、合理的价格和优良的现场服务著称于业界。我们提供以下服务: ◎ 其它商业空间(专柜、展览展示、路演、会务等)和办公空间的设计装饰 ◎ 所承揽项目的售后服务 ◎ 国际化的采购渠道 ◎ 客户商业用品的存储、检验和物流服务 ◎ 与项目有关的服务 ◎ 新工艺、新材料的研发服务(进口材料国产化的选择、鉴定) ◎ 工程和道具质量造价、进度的监理服务 ◎ 相关配套用品的供应商支持 (APEC)8月份的宣传和10月份的活动我们都非常成功;现在EXPO又给我们再创辉煌!我们的服务的客户:卡利斯特、齐拉、罗茜奥、舒雅、玉兰油、薇姿、安娜。苏、人头马、、阿玛尼、贝德玛、杜拉维特、捷豹、长安福特。。。。。。更多请游览我们 公司的标志成为我们确保质量标准、满足客户需求、精心组织施工、创造精品展示工程的信誉象征。踏步向前、敬业创新、超越奉献的意境,无不诉求着我们:团结一致、致力服务行业的信念;开放严谨、集团经营的高速发展理念;突破传统、全方位专业服务的意识;独特创新的作品是我们共同的追求……,我们有专业的制作工厂及相应的配套供应商(其他工序不锈钢、有机制品、玻璃、雕刻分别由有相关制作5年以上的工厂配合);厂房面积4000多平方;有仓储,工厂具备专业管理人才且配备了最好的进口设备、木工机械设备等。工厂有专业的技术工种组成:木工、电工、美工、亚弧焊工、油漆工等;管理层人员:10人以上,常年工人90人。。。。。。本公司愿成为贵司长期战略伙伴;时刻期待您的光临! 商祺! 联系人: 张先生